Our caviar shipments arrive weekly, ensuring freshness. Each tin is vacuum-sealed with a shelf life of 3 months. After opening, it is recommended to consume within 2-3 days.
Royal Oscietra Caviar
Royal Oscietra Caviar
Royal Oscietra caviar is from the roe of the Diamond sturgeon, Acipenser Gueldenstaedtii, and is highly desired due to its medium to large-sized eggs and unique colour ranging from dark brown to olive green.
It boasts a complex and rich flavour that has been described as buttery, nutty, and slightly creamy with subtle notes of the ocean. Its smooth, glossy appearance and delicate texture make it a standout in the world of caviar.
The ‘Royal’ Caviar Business selection ensures a full-bodied and impressive caviar experience that will delight both you and your guests.
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